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Hotel cleaning

Entretien hôtelier

The cleanliness of a hotel is certainly a significant need. Entretien Rex ltée is the maintenance service company for you if you do not want to compromise on the cleanliness of your facility.

Office cleaning

Entretien de bureaux

Office spaces must be clean and healthy places for everybody who work there all day. The cleaning and disinfection of office space is our business and we do it well!

Carpet cleaning

Nettoyage de tapis

Our professional carpet cleaning service eliminates odors as well as carpets parasites and micro-waste. Count on us to make sure you are walking on deeply cleaned carpets!

Window cleaning

Lavage de vitres

There is nothing better than beautiful large windows that let in the light. We have the expertise to perform tasks that will bring you satisfaction. Making all of your windows spotlessly clean is our specialty!